Organismos nacionales e internacionales
*1920 Estadísticas del National Council Research (EEUU)
*1948 Creación de la National Science Foundation (NSF) (EEUU)
*1953 Survey of Industrial Research and Development (NSF)
*1957 Basic Research: a National Resource (NSF)
*1961 Creación de la OECD
*1963 Reunión de la OECD en Frascati (Italia)
*1967 A study of Resources Devoted to R&D in OECD Member Countries in 1963/64 (OECD)
*1973 Science Indicators (NSF)
*1978 Recomendations Concerning the international Standardisation of Statistics on Science and Technology (UNESCO)
*1984 Science and Technology: Indicators Reports (OECD)
*1988 Main Science and Technology Indicators (OECD)
*1992 Proposed Guidelines for Colleting and Interpreting Technological Innovation Data (OECD)
*1992 World Science Report (UNESCO)
*1993 Goverment Perfomance and Results Act (EEUU)
*1994 First European Report on S&T Indicators (UE-EC)
*1995 Manual on the Measurement of Human Resources in Science and Technology (OECD)
*1995 Nacimiento de la Red Iberoamericana de Indicadores de Ciencia y Tecnología
*1999 Research and the Goverment Perfomance and Results Act (COSEPUP)
Mundo Científico-Académico
*1926 The Frequency Distribution of Scientific Papers (Lotka)
*1935 Psycho-Biology of Language (Zipt)
*1935 Sources of Information on Specific Subjects (Bradford)
*1948 Documentation (Bradford)
*1955 Citation Indexes for Science (Garfield)
*1961 Genetics Citation Index Project e inicio del SCI
*1961 Little Science, Big Science (Price)
*1964 Nauka (Dobrov)
*1965 Networks of Scientifics Papers (Price)
*1969 Naukametriya (Nalimov)
*1973 Co-citation in the scientific literature a new measure of the relationship between two documents (Small)
*1974 Towards a Metrics of Science (VVAA)
*1976 Evaluative Bibliometrics (Narin)
*1979 Nace la revista Scientometrics con Braun de editor
*1983 From translations to problematic networks: An introduction to co-word analysis (Callon, Courtial, et. Al.)
*1983 Publicación de los trabajos del CWTS y de Martin e Irvine para evaluación institucional
*1984 Creación del Derek de Solla Price Award por parte de la revista Scientometrics
*1988 Handbook of Quantittive Studies (Van Raan)
*1993 Creación de la Society for Scientometrics and Informetrics
*1995 New bibliometric tools for the assessment of national research performance (CWTS)
*1995 Primeros estudios Cibermétricos
*2000 A Festschrift in Honor of Eugene Garfield (VVAA)
2 comentarios:
¿Traducción de alguna parte, cosecha propia, de todo un poco? Fuentes, fuentes.
cosecha propia, es un copipaste de la introducción de mi tesis. Me gustaba la tabla y no quería que se perdiera
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